What is a High-Performance Forecasting System?

A high-performance forecasting system has the following properties:

  1. Gets best possible results given your resource constraints
  2. Produces accuracy so we know if there is an issue
  3. Can be scaled from one to many time series

Through this course, you will learn the tools to build a high-performance forecasting system.

  • I leverage 10-years of experience in time series
  • A full-year of research on time series competitions, strategies that won or placed highly
  • A full-year of developing custom software that will help you streamline working with time series. This includes modeltime and timetk.

To learn the skills needed to build a high-performance forecasting system, I need to build your skills in the following areas:

  1. Time Series Feature Engineering
  2. Time Series Machine Learning
  3. Time Series Deep Learning

These are the foundations of what gets results. And these are tools you can implement to rapidly build high-performance forecasting systems (once you know how they work).

I look forward to helping you on this journey.

-Matt Dancho, Course Creator, Founder of Business Science

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