Thank You For Joining LL PRO - Here's The Dime Tour!

Thank you for joining Learning Labs PRO!

I'm excited to have you in our membership service!

The Learning Labs have been a lot of fun for us (you'll see that in the videos) - It's our chance to touch on topics beyond our core Business Science curriculum (aka the R-Track Courses).

Most importantly, it's an opportunity for you to continuously learn. You get to help us by voting on topics and making sure we hit projects that you are interested in. We then cover topics that are the most popular / most needed.

Here are a few points about the program that will help you get the most out of your membership.

Lab Schedule

  • New Labs (Wednesday, Thursday on 2 Week Intervals) - Are uploaded to the service the day following a LIVE Learning Lab. LIVE Labs are typically held every two weeks on Wednesday, so you should have access to the recording, video, and code walkthrough on Thursday.
  • New Lab Upload Notifications - Keep on the lookout for emails the day following a Learning Lab. I'll also post in the Slack Channel.

Lab Order

  • Should labs be taken sequentially? In general NO. Some of the series (e.g. Python Series) build on each other, but for the most part each lab is independent.

Requesting a Topic

Topic ideas are how I create content. I have a bunch of my own, but what really helps is understanding which topics you are interested in.

  • Requesting a topic - Please request topics in the #request_a_topic channel in Slack. This will make sure I see it and we can discuss to make sure others are also interested.
  • Lab Topic Polls (Mondays) - This is your opportunity to make the final vote on the next topic covered. I request your feedback (optional but encouraged) through Polls held on the Slack Channel. The polls happen on Mondays.

R-Track Courses vs Learning Labs

Make sure to also check out the R-Track curriculum (use PROMO code: learninglabs to get 15% OFF). If you feel like the Labs are advanced (they are!), the courses will help you learn the basics and the Labs will help you continuously learn.

I'm looking forward to helping you grow.

-Matt Dancho, Founder of Business Science

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